Try it on

Journal like you're texting a friend.

Journalling has always been an effective way to improve your life. But boy is it hard to get started. So we build a journaling app that is as effortless as texting a friend who asks you questions and helps you expand your thoughts.

App screenshotScreenshot of the app

Open Letter

As someone who has experienced the challenges of finding the motivation and structure to keep a consistent journaling practice, I'm excited to share my new journaling app with you.

With our AI-powered co-pilot, you'll receive personalized guidance and support to set goals and intentions, receive tailored prompts, and get feedback to keep your journaling practice meaningful and enjoyable. It's like having a great listener by your side, always ready to help you process your thoughts and emotions.

I'm thrilled to invite you to join me on this exciting journey of self-discovery by signing up for our beta launch. As a beta tester, you'll have the opportunity to provide feedback and help shape the future of our app, making it a valuable tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and emotional well-being.

Journals are created on a daily basis, but it's really up to the user to decide the frequency. I would love for you to try the app first and then we can figure out what kind of features are the most important to build. I'm not here to build a flashy demo, I'm here to build something that can genuinely improve our lives.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for improving the app, I would love to hear them. Let's make journaling a meaningful and fulfilling experience together. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.

Sincerely, Jason Liu

Thoughts and Questions

No more excuses

Supercharge your journaling experience

We build Journal to feel like you're talking to life coach, someone to help you reflect on your day and tease out the stuff worth writing about. Its an act of self reflection, not just filling out a survey in your notebook or on your phone.

Journaling Copilot
Chat with your copilot an at the end of each day, we'll automatically write you a journal entry that you can review and edit.
Custom Templates
Journals can be used to keep a diary, a dream log, or even track your fitness goals. Journal can be adapted to any kind of note-taking you need.
Custom personality
Whether is a strict drill sergeant or a compassionate friend, we'll match you with the coach that's right for you.
Dashboards powered by GPT
Use AI to analyse your writing focus on what matters most and identify patters. Interact with yourself by asking questions about your past.
Remembers your conversations
Copilot remembers past conversations. It can find connections and follow up on things you've talked about in the past.
Chat First
Telegram first but we're working on SMS, Discord, and WhatsApp. Avoid downloading new apps that take up space on your device.
App screenshot